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Application Guide for 2025 Chinese Government Scholarship "High Level Postgraduate Program"

Release time: 2024年12月16日 14:07


  The "High Level Postgraduate Program", a sub-program of the Chinese Government Scholarship Program, is based on the principles of "individual application, institutional recommendation, expert assessment and selection on the basis of merit", and selects international students with excellent academic background, professional ability and future development potential. All Chinese Government Scholarship institutions with enrollment qualifications can recommend candidates and the final acceptance will be based on the results of expert evaluation.


PART 01 学校概况

  新澳门六合彩 坐落于中国历史文化名城、改革开放先行区浙江省温州市。学科门类齐全,涵盖经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、医学、管理学、艺术学、交叉学科等十一大门类,拥有54个本科专业,40个硕士项目,3个博士项目,化学、材料科学、工程学、计算机科学、环境科学与生态学5个学科进入ESI全球前1%,并形成了师范教育、创新创业教育、华侨教育三大办学特色。学校教育国际化特色鲜明。在意大利创建新澳门六合彩 意大利分校,在印度尼西亚莫里瓦利园区创建国际中文教学点,获批浙江省"丝路学院",与温州医科大学、泰国东方大学共建孔子学院,与意大利锡耶纳大学合作举办独立孔子课堂。学校积极开展来华留学教育。1997年获批留学生招生资格,现有来自70多个国家近600名在读国际学生。学校以"得天下英才而育之,培养世界温州通;融新澳门六合彩 英才于全球,赋能温州通世界"为宗旨,主动对接国家"一带一路"战略,服务温州"千年商港· 幸福温州"建设。

  Nestled within picturesque mountains, vast waterways, and the heart of a vibrant coastal city, Wenzhou University (WZU) offers unparalleled educational opportunities for students who are looking to study within a rich cultural environment and benefit from a strong academic tradition.

  WZU offers 54 undergraduate, 40 master's and 3 doctoral programs in 22 colleges and schools, covering 11 disciplines such as arts, science, engineering, law, education, economics, history, management and fine arts. Chemistry, materials science, engineering, and computer science and ecology  are among the top 1% of ESI ranking in the world.

  The university has always attached great importance to international students' education and all the programs are open to international students. Considering the limited Chinese language ability of some international applicants, WZU offers courses taught exclusively in English at each level. These special programs offer rich opportunities for international students to acquire highly specialized knowledge while gaining a better understanding of the Chinese language and culture.

  WZU was approved to enroll international students in 1997 and adopts an education philosophy of "Amazing WZUers: Bring the World to Wenzhou, Bridge Wenzhou with the World". Currently, WZU boasts about 600 international students from more than 70 countries including USA, Italy, Russia and so on. Our graduates are employed globally, with those working or starting up businesses in Wenzhou increasing steadily.


PART 02 招生类别与资助范围

  Admission Category


Master's and Ph.D. students taught in English and Chinese.

  Subsidy Content

  01 学费、注册费、住宿费Tuition Fee & Application Fee & Accommodation  

  Free tuition fee

  Free application fee

  Free accommodation fee

  02 生活费 Living Expense

  3000 RMB/month


  03 医疗保险 Medical Insurance

  Provide comprehensive medical insurance


PART 03 申请时间与申请流程




9th Dec, 2024 - 15th Feb, 2025



  1. 申请者按所需材料清单按顺序整理好材料,以压缩包形式将电子版发送至[email protected]  。

  2. 留管部进行初审,确定资格复审通过名单。

  3. 留管部组织评审委员会进行材料审核,全面考察申请者的学习成绩、科研能力、发展潜力等,给出材料评审分数。

  4. 留管部组织答辩评审,综合材料评审分数最终确定拟推荐名单。

  5. 学校为拟推荐的学生出具预录取通知书。

  6. 拟推荐的学生登录中国政府奖学金网站,填写申请表,提交相关材料。网址://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/,类型:B,学校代码:10351。

  7. 国家留学基金管理委员会组织评审专家开展资质审核,确定录取人选。

  8. 学校根据国家留学基金管理委员会的评审结果,通知申请人录取情况,并制作正式录取通知书、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表)等材料。

  Step 1. The applicant organizes all the materials in order according to the list of required materials and sends the electronic version as a zip file to [email protected] .

  Step 2. Overseas Students Education & Services conducts preliminary examination and determines the list of successful applicants for qualification review.

  Step 3. Overseas Students Education & Services  organizes an evaluation committee to review the materials, comprehensively examine the applicant's academic performance, scientific research ability, development potential, etc., and give a review score for the evaluation of the materials.

  Step 4. Overseas Students Education & Services organizes a Defense Review and a comprehensive material review score to finalize the list of recommended candidates.

  Step 5. The university issues a pre-admission letter for the student to be recommended.

  Step 6. The students to be recommended log in the website of Chinese Government Scholarships, fill in the application form and submit relevant materials. Website: //studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/, type: B, school code: 10351.

  Step 7. The State Administration Committee of Scholarship Council organizes evaluation experts to carry out qualification examination and determine the candidates for admission.

  Step 8. Based on the evaluation result of the State Scholarship Council, the university will notify the applicant of the acceptance status and produce the official acceptance letter and Visa Application for Study in China (Form JW201).


PART 04 申请材料

  1. 护照新澳门六合彩扫描页;2. 从本科起所有学位、学历证书的原件,应届毕业生需提供由本人所在学校出具的预毕业证明(毕业时间应早于2025年8月31日);3.从本科起全部课程成绩单原件;4. 个人简历(自本科起时间连续的学习、工作经历,有在华学习经历者需提供全部学习经历)。5. 个人陈述及学习计划,包括学术背景、学习工作经历、专业成果、研究计划、发展目标等,1000字以上,可以中文或英文书写;6. 语言能力证明(1)申请英文授课项目且母语非英语的申请者需提供TOEFL 75 分及以上、IELTS 6 分及以上成绩单原件或本科课程为英语授课的证明;(2)申请中文授课项目的申请者需提供HSK4级及以上HSK证书;7. 两封中文或英文推荐信,推荐人需为相关领域副教授及以上,请推荐人签名并附上有效联系方式;8. 无犯罪记录证明(应届毕业生还需要提交在校表现证明)

  1.Scanned page of the photo page of passport;

  2.The originals of all degrees and academic certificates from undergraduate level onwards, and fresh graduates are required to provide a pre-graduation certificate (graduation date should be earlier than August 31, 2024) issued by their schools;

  3. Original transcripts of all courses from undergraduate level;

  4. Personal resume (including continuous study and work experience since undergraduate studies. For students who have studied in China are required to transcript all study experience). Please download Attachment 1 to fill in;

  5. Personal statement and study plan, including academic background, study and work experience, professional achievements, research plan, development goals, etc., more than 1,000 words, can be written in Chinese or English;

  6. Proof of Language Proficiencya. Applicants applying for English-medium programs whose mother tongue is not English are required to provide the original TOEFL score of 550 or above, IELTS score of 5.5 or above, or proof that the undergraduate program is taught in English;b. Applicants applying for Chinese-medium programs are required to provide HSK certificates with HSK level 4 or above;

  7. Two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English. The recommender must be an associate professor or above in the relevant field, please ask the recommender to sign and attach valid contact information;

  8. Certificate of non-criminal record (fresh graduates are also required to submit a certificate of school performance).


PART 05 说明

  1. 各种证明、证书须为中文或英文的原件或公证件。

  2. 文件格式须为原版彩色扫描件。

  3. 申请者应保证所提供的信息和材料真实、准确,杜绝弄虚作假和学术不端的行为,否则取消入学资格。

  1. All certificates and attestations must be original or notarized in Chinese or English.

  2. Documents must be formatted as original color scans.

  3. Applicants should ensure that the information and materials provided are true and accurate. Falsehood and academic misconduct need to be eliminated, or else the enrollment will be disqualified.


PART 06 联系方式

  新澳门六合彩 国际教育学院招生科

  地址:浙江省温州市瓯海区茶山高教园区新澳门六合彩 北校区3-217

  电话:+86 577 86680971

  Email: [email protected]


  Admission Department, College of International Education, Wenzhou University

  Address: 3-217, North Campus, Wenzhou University, Chashan Higher Education Park, Ouhai District, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China

  Tel: +86 577 86680971

  Email: [email protected]

  Website: //xinaomenlhc.com/en/Study.htm


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Contact Us

International Relations Office, Wenzhou University

Postal Address: 6th Floor, Administrative Building, South Campus, Wenzhou University, Chashan University Town, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China 325035

Tel: 0086-577-86598029

Fax: 0086-577-86598029

E-mail: [email protected]

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