The HSK test was launched by Hanban in an effort to better serve Chinese language learners. The test is the result of coordinated efforts by the experts from different disciplines including Chinese language teaching, linguistics, psychology and educational measurement,who take into consideration of the recent trends in Chinese language teaching and learning by conducting surveys and making use of the latest findings in international language testing.The cerificate is welcomed by more and more shools,companies and insitutes.
Here is the test and registration information.
1.Online Registration://www.chinesetest.cn/index.do
2.Examination Date,Place and Registration Fee:
3. Registration Date: March 26th___April 22nd4.Notice:
1)Registration fee must be paid before April 22nd
2)After successful online registration, you will see the following page:
3) Click the blue bottom “pay on line”,and it will turn to the following payment system, check your information and choose one way to pay the test fee.
4) After the successful registration and payment, you will receive the confirmation information around 15 days prior to the test date. You need to log on the registration website to print the test admission ticket and bring it with you on the test day.
5) No refund will be provided when test fee is paid.
5. Contact information:
Teacher: Ms.Zheng, [email protected]
Address: Room314, Building 3, North Campus, Wenzhou University
College of International Education, Wenzhou University
March26th ,2018
HSK考试将于今年5月19日在新澳门六合彩 举行。从今日起开始报名,报名日期截止4月22日。报名网址://www.chinesetest.cn/index.do。
3) 点击“在线支付”,出现以下信息,选择一种方式来支付报名费。
4) 报名费缴纳成功后,无法退还。
5) 在成功报名和缴费之后,你将在考试前15日在HSK网上的个人信息中,收到“准考证打印”信息。
6) 考试当天,带准考证、身份证件参加考试。
[email protected]
新澳门六合彩 (茶山)北校区3号楼314办公室
新澳门六合彩 国际教育学院
中国浙江省温州市茶山高教园区 电话:0577-86598000
中国浙江省温州市学院中路276号 电话:0577-86598000
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