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Happenings at WZU


Professor Zhang Xiaoqin published a paper in IEEE T-NNLS ​Professor Zhang Xiaoqin from the College of Computer and Artificial Intelligence published a paper entitled “Top-k Feature Selection Framework Using Robust 0-1 Integer Programming” in IEEE T-NNLS (DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2020.3009209) as the first author.The purpose of feature selection is to find the key features in the data while removing redundancy and noise features. It can not only effectiv...


One project undertaken by the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture won the first prize of the 2019 Zhejiang Science and Technology Award On July 17, the 2019 Zhejiang Science and Technology Award Ceremony was held in Hangzhou City. The project of “Key Technologies for Dredging Mud Compound Vacuum Preloading Foundation Treatment” undertaken by the team from the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture won the first prize of Zhejiang Science and Technology Progress Award.The eastern coastal areas of China are economically d...


The project of “Research on Key Techniques of In-situ Testing of Deformation Characteristics of Coastal Soft Soil and Control of Subgrade Accumulative Settlement'' won the first prize of the 2019 Science and Technology Award of China Highway Society The project of “Research on Key Techniques of In-situ Testing of Deformation Characteristics of Coastal Soft Soil and Control of Subgrade Accumulative Settlement'' undertaken by the team from the College won the first prize of the 2019 Science and Technology Award of China Highway Society, outperforming other 550 projects.The construction of transportation facilities in China has entered a per...


New achievements in AI algorithms combining spectral information and detection The team led by Professor Chen Xiaojing published a paper titled “Non-parametric partial least squares–discriminant analysis model based on sum of ranking difference algorithm for tea grade identification using electronic tongue data”in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. This article proposes a non-parametric partial least squares discriminant analysis model based on the sum of difference ra...


The discipline of chemistry entered Top 100 of Natural Index in chemistry for the first time among domestic universities According to Nature Index 2020 Annual Tables, the discipline of chemistry of WZU entered Top 100 for the first time among domestic universitiesThe Nature Index is a scientific research evaluation index launched by Nature in 2014. It is mainly based on the statistics of the number of research papers published by various institutions in 82 top academic journals in the previous year. The index has...


Carbon Energy sponsored by Wenzhou University was selected into the ESCI database ​Carbon Energy sponsored and published by Wenzhou University was selected into ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) database of Clarivate Analytics (formerly known as Thomson Reuters IP & Science). This is the first publication of Wenzhou University that enters ESCI, marking the recognition of the academic level and influence of Carbon Energy and laying a solid foundation for it to enter SCI...
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